Questions unresolved by slaying conviction

By George E. Condon Jr.

Plain Dealer Bureau

COLUMBUS-There are several theories on why the Columbus police are being castigated instead of praised for their speedy work in getting a conviction in the Christie Mullins case only 11 days after

One of a series

the pretty 14-year-old girl was brutally beaten to death in a sex-related slaying Aug. 23.

Henry H. Newell Jr.-better known as Junior-the 25-year-old eyewitness to the beating whose story has been widely disputed, thinks there are two reasons for the controversy.

"People ain't got no confidence in their police department," he said. Then, noting that the man accused of the murder by police is a homosexual, Newell added, "Maybe it's because he's a homosexual and some of the people that's homosexuals have got a lot of money and are backing him up."

Norman Mullins Jr., father of the victim, said, "People are not believing the police version because there is no way it could be. completely right. They've ignored all the evidence that has come up since they arrested Jack Carmen."

Graham M. LeSturgeon, ColumContinued on Page 10-À